Inner Child Work Episodes

May 9, 2024

Consistency in Your Music Brand Identity with REAPER | Elevated Frequ…

Do you always need to keep consistent in your artist branding? When can you begin to experiment and explore new branding elements? What parts of your music identity are recognizable as unique to you? REAPER shares their exper...

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June 22, 2023

Kaleena Zanders, Manifesting Magic: Elevated Frequencies Episode #5

The exhilarating journey through the music industry is never a linear one, and for some, the destination isn't even where they thought they'd end up. Such is the story of powerhouse vocalist and DJ Kaleena Zanders. Growing up...

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June 1, 2023

Westend, the Power of Nostalgia: Elevated Frequencies Episode #2

Everyone has that thing that instantly brings back memories of their childhood. For me, it’s infomercials from the late ’90s and early 2000s. The ones that compelled us to beg our parents to call the 1-800 number because [ins...

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